We’re proud to announce that we’re opening a first-of-its-kind gym in Columbus Junction, Iowa. Featuring squat racks, barbells, dumbbells, treadmills, medicine balls, kettlebells, ellipticals, and dynamic training options, we are excited to launch soon to the public. We feature 24/7 gym access, with convenient curbside parking, LED lighting, and the tools you need to succeed on your fitness journey.

Monthly Adult Membership

Monthly Adult Membership


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6 Month Adult Membership - $30/month

6 Month Adult Membership – $30/month


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Senior One Month Membership

Senior One Month Membership


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Senior 6 Month Membership-$25/Month

Senior 6 Month Membership-$25/Month


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Monthly High School Gym Membership

Monthly High School Gym Membership


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High School, 6 Month Membership

High School, 6 Month Membership


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Monthly, Family Membership

Monthly, Family Membership


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6 Month Family Membership for $75/month ($5/month discount)

6 Month Family Membership for $75/month ($5/month discount)


Pay now


Regardless of your age or current activity level, we can help you achieve your fitness goals


106 Main St

Columbus Junction, IA 52738